To my fellow U.S. dwellers: however short the days feel right now, consider the Norwegians. Their days have ended shortly after 4 p.m. for weeks now. I hear countless people here complain about how early it gets dark, but unless you suffer from a disorder that’s directly worsened by less daylight, I think your complaining might ease if you took a different approach to winter, similar to how they do it in Norway. (I have great sympathy to those who do manage mood disorders exacerbated by short days.)
You know how cozy it feels when it’s dark and cold outside, but you’re in a warm, well-lit place with friends or family you enjoy? Maybe that’s Thankgiving or Christmas or whatever winter holiday you celebrate. Those days feel like the perfect reason to focus on your favorite people. You spend that time with your favorite food and drink indulgences, and maybe you play games or do other indoor activities you enjoy when it’s cold.
Remember your favorite winter days and then imagine extending that feeling of coziness and closeness through the entire winter season. That’s what Norwegians do. The way we relish those few special winter holidays, they relish the whole winter season, spending extra time with their favorite people, enjoying the indoor activities there isn’t as much time for at other times of the year, and tucking into warming, comforting foods.
Let’s do that. Let’s turn winter into a time when we figure out our favorite indoor activities and who we want to share them with and then do it. If you dislike the big, splashy, American holidays, then create your version of an ideal winter day.
List the things you like doing when it’s chilly out and put them in your calendar. If you can’t think of anything, start with a list of people you’d like to get together with. Ask that good friend you haven’t seen since last summer what they like to do when it’s cold out and then make plans. Reach out to busy family members and ask, “What do you wish you had time to relax and enjoy? Let’s get together and do that.”
We can’t make the sun stay up as long as we want, but we can create light and warmth and love that can counteract the long nights. Transform winter for yourself and you’ll help transform it for others. I’m doing this. Will you?
Originally published Nov. 18, 2021 on