Chicana on the Edge

Mentioning the unmentionable since 2004

The Coronavirus: I Got It
written by Regina Rodríguez-Martin
March 27, 2020

Previous post on the coronavirus: Last dash to the store – a photo essay

My NRT practitioner has a homeoprophylaxis (HP) for the novel coronavirus. If you’ve heard of homeopathy, you know those remedies help the body heal a disease or condition by introducing a smaller-than-microscopic amount of a substance that causes that disease or condition. Giving the body a tiny amount of what causes the problem stimulates the body to respond in a way that corrects the problem.

Don’t ask me how that works. I’ve just known for 28 years (of my 53) that it does work.

HP doesn’t wait for the body to develop the disease. It introduces the energetic signature of the disease ahead of time, so the body is ready for it when it gets there. In this case, after the HP has “taught” the body how to overcome the novel coronavirus, the immune system knows what to do when the virus shows up, and how to develop true immunity to it. Then you don’t have to worry about catching it again.

Of course there are no guarantees, but at this point it’s clear that there are no guarantees with any medical treatment. Even the tried-and-true polio vaccine began causing cases of acute flaccid paralysis in the 2000s when the active polio virus in the oral vaccine would get out in to the community (through the fecal-oral route) and reach children who hadn’t yet been vaccinated.

But I like the idea of giving my body the best chance to fight the coronavirus and come out stronger, plus what else do we have? I’m not drinking bleach or taking anything El Idiota suggests. So I’ve been taking the HP since last week.

Earlier this week I came in contact with the coronavirus and yesterday I began to feel symptoms. NRT practitioner can test for the coronavirus and confirmed that I have it. It’s now two days after exposure and I feel body and joint aches, plus fatigue. I’m okay about having it because I look forward to being on the other side of this, non-contagious and immune. The HP means my symptoms probably won’t be worse than a regular case of the flu.

Some Americans think sheltering in place will keep them from being exposed to the coronavirus, but that option is over. The lockdowns are about slowing the rate at which everyone is exposed to it. I believe every single one of us will eventually come into contact with the coronavirus, so I feel like I might as well get on with it.

Plus I’m not 100% sold on the idea of living much longer. Death at age 53 with no funeral? That doesn’t sound like the worst thing to me.

Until my symptoms make working uncomfortable, I’ll continue to work from home, support my NRT practitioner’s practice (they’re all phone appointments now) and lie around doing nothing. It’s really the perfect life for me: I dislike sunlight and the out-of-doors in general, intensely dislike traveling and prefer being home above anywhere else I could be. Today I am at peace.

Watch this space for what happens next.

Next post on the coronavirus: Sheltering in place – fine by me.



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  1. Regina Rodriguez-Martin

    classikal – How do I know when I was exposed? I work with Claire! And yes the response is accelerated because I've been on the homeoprophylaxis.

  2. classikal

    How did you know you were exposed on Tuesday? To come down with symptoms just two days after exposure is a fast incubation period. At least you didn't spend two weeks spreading the virus while symptom free. Thanks for the info.


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