Chicana on the Edge

Mentioning the unmentionable since 2004

Post-Divorce Valentine’s Day
written by Regina Rodríguez-Martin
February 14, 2014

It’s Valentine’s Day. I finalized my divorce last Friday. I had oral surgery on Tuesday and sometimes my mouth hurts. But I’m still in a good mood.

Happy Day!



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  1. Regina Rodriguez-Martin

    Thanks, Howard. I'm now on oral surgery number two and it's going as smoothly as the first one.

  2. Unknown

    Finalized your divorce and an oral surgery – This was indeed a memorable Valentine’s day for you. Well I can’t blame you for being in a good mood, the process of divorce is stressful, what with all the paper works and hearing you needed to attend. But now that it’s finalized, it’s really a relief. I hope everything went smoothly for both your divorce and oral surgery.


  3. Mick & Cathy

    Its traditional to send cards to those you "like" but without signing them.

    Of course if you have a special partner its chocolates, flowers & a nice meal out.

    Am i correct in assuming you do similar in the States.

    On another note I should be in Chicago later this year, November is definate if not before.

  4. Regina Rodriguez-Martin

    Thanks, Mick. How do you recognize Valentine's Day in England?

  5. Mick & Cathy

    Happy Valentines Day xx


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