So, I spent Mother’s Day afternoon at the International Museum of Surgical Science (IMSS). It was fascinating, but some of the grisliest stuff I’ve ever seen. They currently have an exhibit that is traveling around called Our Body. It’s a display of preserved cadavers. Well, not the skin and outer layers, but the muscle and bone of dead people, with tendons and veins colored in. Some are posed, some are sliced. Mostly they had the heads removed, but a couple bodies had the heads still on and the faces were corpse-like and disturbing.
There was a room about human gestation with a series of see-through containers on a table that held actual dead embryos at different stages of development, from 2 months to 8 months. It was fascinating to see the teeny tiny hands and arms and legs and feet. A two-month-old fetus really does have a formed body, but no consciousness. I stared and stared. There’s a warning outside this room that tells people not to go in if they are sensitive about this subject, and to keep children with them at all times.
Oh, yeah, the IMSS is quite an experience. Not for the squeamish at all. I ended up going with a friend who lives near there. She’s got a strong stomach. My husband, who can’t even watch someone get an injection on tv, should never go near it. Do you think you would?
Mick – Yes, that's it. I hope you get there.
Sandii – All she needs is $22.
I showed this to Nidia, and she said "Whenever we go to Chicago, we're going there first thing!"
my mum would love that, she's so morbid!
Is that the museum on Lake shore drive just south of Lincoln Park.
If it is was going to go but it was closed maybe will visit when I get to Chicago again.