An atheist’s prayer
Free of god-guilt weight
Free of what-Jesus-would-do worry
I make my way in a world clear of angels
and clean of miracles
Longing replaces prayer
Gently now, gently
can I love?
Am I allowed?
Do I have to wait until the world has time
has healed
has room for it?
Maybe I start from a distance
smiling at my favorite parts
noticing long enough to cherish
enjoying just as is
Can I love
without piercing hunger
without aching need
without the declaration that says MINE?
I blow you a silver dandelion
carefully imagine how we might begin
save the first-star-I-see for you
You take it
No, you
No, you
Help me put all the monsters to bed
Turn off the clock
I’ll inhale your admiration
Regina Rodriguez
January, 2004