VIDEO: Dating when you’re over 50 years old. Watch as I try the dating app Silver Singles.
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How To Recognize a Dating App Scammer
The ways I detect a fake dating app profile with a scammer behind it.
Middle-Aged, Divorced, Trying to Date
There’s a version of my life that died back in 2013 and I haven’t grieved it. It’s time to grieve it.
The Science-Defying, Middle-Aged Female Body!
Previous post on food & weight: Hurdle I'm still fat, but in this photo I'm wearing pants that one of my neighbors shrank in a dryer a couple of years ago. I couldn't begin to squeeze into them for a long time, but now they fit just fine! Last April is when I...
No Change
Previous post on weight & health: I'm going for effortless weight loss No change. No change at all...discouragement..disgust...I'm the fattest I've ever been. Blah, blah, blah. (But wait -- things did change after I posted this! Read this!)
Comey Day
Maybe many are ignoring it, but on Thursday morning I watched James Comey's testimony before the senate and I noticed parallels in the dynamic between Trump and Comey and any sexual assault case. First, Comey said he never wanted to be physically alone with Trump and...
The Walking Dead
In November I began watching The Walking Dead. I plowed through all the seasons available on Netflix and then downloaded part of season six from iTunes. Season six resumes tonight. Here's what I think so far. 1. What insanity/stupidity leads women (Lori, Maggie) to...
“Young lady??”
I was waiting for the bus and struck up a conversation with one of those men who stands with a kiosk of brochures about God, life and whatever religion he is. He was an African-American gentleman who looked like he was in his late 50s or so, and he addressed me as...
Come on, Menopause! Part Two
Last week I got all excited because my period was late and I fantasized that I'd entered menopause and was never going to menstruate again. Anyone who thinks menopause is very uncomfortable and I'm crazy to want it, here are two points: 1. Menstruation with fibroids...
Cuss Words and White Male Privilege
Some call it cussing. Some call it swearing. Some call it using bad words. It's the use of "four-letter words" and it's very controversial. I understand that such words aren't appropriate most of the time, but I'm puzzled by people who think such words are...
Cosmetics for Women of Color. Yes? No?
NPR recently ran a story that started like this, "Women of color have long been ignored by major cosmetics firms, which meant there wasn't a whole lot of choice if you weren't white." I consider myself lucky to have begun my lipstick-wearing days at the end of the...
Come on, Menopause!
My 28-day cycle ended earlier this week. Wednesday should have been day one of my period, but it didn't happen. It still hasn't happened. It's so wonderful to not get my period! Is it possible that I've finally reached menopause? Oh, I hope so. I would love it if I...
Defense Against Multiple Assailants
Most sexual assault (93%) is committed by a single criminal, but in case you want to be ready for multiple attackers, here's the self defense course for you. IMPACT Defense Against Multiple Assailants October 17 & 18 (Sat/Sun 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Knapp Center...
Arm Yourself and Never Be Afraid
I'm not talking about arming yourself with a weapon. I'm talking about arming yourself with the physical skills to protect yourself against assault. Here's why it makes more sense to learn self-defense moves than buy a gun: A gun can be separated from you, but you'll...
Four ibuprofen every three and a half hours. I even set my alarm to wake me up in the middle of the night so I wouldn't wake up to PAIN. Keeping the air conditioner on high so I can use the heating pad while it's in the 90s outside (30s Celsius). Staying home a lot so...