Chicana on the Edge

Mentioning the unmentionable since 2004

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Getting Back to the Real Me

Getting Back to the Real Me

25 Dec 2013 20 Dec 2014 Previous post on weight & health: Cutting carbs like my life depends on it, part 2 So last September, I started reducing sugar and starches because my blood work showed high blood sugar. Then in November, I completely cut out all...

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Touched My Nose to My Knee!

Previous post on weight & health: This was written by a MAN? One of my goals for 2014 was to lose enough fat around the middle to be able to touch my nose to my knee again. I had expected this to take months, but my jewelry has been fitting looser, so I...

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Fatter But Wiser

Fatter But Wiser

Being unmarried does NOT make you inferior.  Yeah, I had to learn this. Previous post on weight & health: PLoosening the grip of food over me In April 2007 I left my spinster pad and moved in with my boyfriend, who would later become my husband. I...

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Stranger Here: A memoir on Weight Loss Surgery

Stranger Here: A memoir on Weight Loss Surgery

Previous post on weight & health: Someone asked me about being pregnant Jen Larsen gives a stunningly honest account of her weight loss through surgery in Stranger Here: How Weight-Loss Surgery Transformed My Body and Messed with My Head. With a publication...

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Someone Asked Me about Being Pregnant

Someone Asked Me about Being Pregnant

Previous post on weight & health: Doctor's response to my weight gain On Friday morning a co-worker asked when I was due. Even with my prosopagnosia and a staff of over 500, I felt sure the two of us had never properly met because I pretty much have every...

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Doctor’s Response to My Weight Gain

Previous post on weight & health: Fatness equals happiness? Yesterday I saw my doctor for a regular exam. I hadn't seen her since last fall or maybe it was summer. I was looking forward to the weigh-in because I've gained so much weight and I wanted to see...

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Fatness Equals Happiness?

Fatness Equals Happiness?

Me, age 2 Previous post on weight and health: Thin or happy? It might really be a choice Yesterday I was feeling bad because I outgrew another pair of pants and was down to one skirt that was appropriate for the workplace that I could wear comfortably (now I've...

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Fat Tuesday 2013

Fat Tuesday 2013

Happy Fat Tuesday! I made cupcakes for work. How about you? Let us all have a day of indulgence and then lounge around like my dog. Here he is doing some dog yoga: Enjoy the day! Worry tomorrow.

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Thin or Happy? It Might Really Be a Choice

Previous post on weight and health: Doctors, please don't tell fat people to lose weight A book called Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth about Your Weight by Linda Bacon is causing big shifts for me. It promotes accepting all bodies regardless of size...

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Doctors, please Don’t Tell Fat People to Lose Weight

Previous post on fat and health: Exercise that feels GOOD (and I don't mean morally) I seem to have taken a slide into weight and body issues on this blog. Oh, well. That's where my focus is these days. Food issues are a huge part of my self esteem building and...

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Exercise That Feels GOOD (and I Don’t Mean Morally)

Previous post on this topic: I want to bend easily again After years of being a gym rat (and between size 6 and 10), I stopped all exercise last March, except for dog walking and yoga classes at my workplace. Since there haven’t been any workplace yoga classes since...

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I Want to Bend Easily Again

I Want to Bend Easily Again

(Can you find the dog in this photo?) Previous post on this topic: Gaining 25 pounds in 3 months I want to be part of the fat acceptance movement, but I'm having doubts. The 25 pounds I put on since October have added to and subtracted from my happiness. I love...

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Die, Inner Critic, Die!

Sitting in my weekly EFT tapping circle, I tapped as I listened to topics like family dynamics, self-nurture and the feeling of not being good enough. As I tapped, my feelings of not being good enough and being too fat, grew. "I really hate myself," I thought, as I...

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Gaining 25 pounds in 3 months

Previous post on this topic: How to be overweight When one suddenly becomes chubby after being not-chubby all one's life, one might do the following: 1. One might hate how tight everything fits. 2. One might hate buying new clothes, which is not fun if the reason is...

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How To Be Overweight

How To Be Overweight

Previous post on weight and health: Uncomfortable with the new me I'm a small-boned, petite woman who is all of five feet two inches tall. I'm 46 and a half years old. Most of my adult life, my weight has hovered between 120 and 135. With my sweet tooth and use...

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