Chicana on the Edge

Mentioning the unmentionable since 2004

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Your search results for that parenting thing

A Mother’s Mental Illness

Fariha Roisin describes her experience growing up in Living With My Mother's Mental Illness. If you have a few minutes, please read it and let me know if your childhood was similar to Roisin's experience. I wonder how many people grew up in similar circumstances...

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The Selfishness of Having Children

The Selfishness of Having Children

Pope Francis has made it clear that he believes couples who choose not to have children are selfish. A recently published book gives insight into why choosing not to have children isn't selfish. Today I'm blogging about neither. I say let's look at the reasons people...

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Pregnant? Have a Drink.

Pregnant? Have a Drink.

There's no correlation between women who drink moderately (no more than one drink a day) during pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:

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Having Children Teaches You Lessons

Having Children Teaches You Lessons

A friend recently emailed me, "Having children taught me lessons I don't think I could have learned any other way." I've heard this sentiment many times and I believe it's true, but there are also lessons you learn from ice climbing that you can't learn any other way...

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First Christmas after Mother’s Death

This will be the first Christmas I spend without my mother alive. I wonder if others have experienced anything like this with their parents: while I remember good times with my mother, she was abusive to me even into my adulthood, making me relieved when she died. My...

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Happy Day of Mothers? Okay.

May has always been a crappy month for me. I dislike the loss of winter with its quiet, soothing cover of clouds and coldness. I'm also prone to spring allergies, but mostly I don't react well to Mother's Day. Or at least I didn't in the past. For a long time I've...

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I Don’t Want Children

It occurs to me that anyone who has just started reading my blog might wonder why I have chosen to stay child-free. The reasons appear in a post I wrote over five years ago, at the age of 39. Take a look. This post also contains the phrase "at the...

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Why Have Children?

I attended a wedding last June and today I received word of the bride's pregnancy. I stared at a jpeg of the ultrasound in shock. I was surprised at how soon she got pregnant, but I also just felt baffled at the universal, almost without exception, desire of people to...

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