Chicana on the Edge

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Your search results for Friendship
Holiday Loneliness

Holiday Loneliness

In the post I finished an hour ago, I said that being able to add some foods back to my diet on Dec. 27th (while I'm on the McCombs Candida Plan) is another reason to wish December away as quickly as possible. December has always been my favorite month of all. Why do...

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This Virus Fucking Sucks

This Virus Fucking Sucks

For single people who live alone with have no family nearby, and who struggle with a mood disorder, being physically isolated for long can be deadly (I'm referring to suicide). When people talk about weighing the risks of interacting with others against the risk of...

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How to End a Friendship

How to End a Friendship

Also:  How to make friends, part 1 How to make friends, part 2  How to make friends, part 3 How to maintain a friendship Sometimes -- even if you've been good friends in the past --  it's time to end a friendship. On TV friendships often end because one person stole...

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How to Maintain a Friendship

How to Maintain a Friendship

Also:  How to make friends, part 1 How to make friends, part 2  How to make friends, part 3 How to end a friendship Have you ever had a friend you felt great about, but then they stopped responding to your texts or other messages?  Don't be that person. Ever. Keep...

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How to Make Friends, Part 3

How to Make Friends, Part 3

Also:  How to make friends, part 1 How to make friends, part 2  How to maintain a friendship How to end a friendship You've overcome the initial fear of rejection and have the contact info of someone you'd like to make friends with. Here's what I've learned to do...

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How to Make Friends, Part 2

How to Make Friends, Part 2

Also:  How to make friends, part 1 How to make friends, part 3 How to maintain a friendship How to end a friendship You've wrestled with your fear of rejection, decided to be braver and less lonely, and are ready to make some new friends. Now do this. 1. Carry...

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How to Make Friends, Part 1

How to Make Friends, Part 1

Americans are bad at making friends. As children we make friends with the kids in our class or whoever lives near us. In college we're friends with any of the thousands of people on our campus. But as grown-ups outside of those friendship-petri-dishes, too many of us...

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