After Gilroy and El Paso and Dayton, it has sunk in at a new level for me that I could die any day. That has always been true, of course, but the frequency of the last three terrorist acts make it immediate for me. White men slaughtering people in public places has...
Search Results
International Childfree Day!
According to Wikipedia, International Childfree Day was started in 1973 in the United States by the National Alliance for Optional Parenthood, which at the time was the National Organization for Non-Parents. The day was originally Non-Parents' Day. I like the...
Please Put Your Damn Cell Phone Away
Maybe I’m just old. So please respect old people by not looking at your phone!
Please, American White Women
The open letter technique is a clichéd way to address a challenging topic and when I see a writer begin with "Dear Democratic Party" or "Dear President Trump" I think, "If you really want to address those people, why post your letter here?" But I'm doing it because...
How to End a Friendship
Also: How to make friends, part 1 How to make friends, part 2 How to make friends, part 3 How to maintain a friendship Sometimes -- even if you've been good friends in the past -- it's time to end a friendship. On TV friendships often end because one person stole...
How to Maintain a Friendship
Also: How to make friends, part 1 How to make friends, part 2 How to make friends, part 3 How to end a friendship Have you ever had a friend you felt great about, but then they stopped responding to your texts or other messages? Don't be that person. Ever. Keep...
How to Make Friends, Part 3
Also: How to make friends, part 1 How to make friends, part 2 How to maintain a friendship How to end a friendship You've overcome the initial fear of rejection and have the contact info of someone you'd like to make friends with. Here's what I've learned to do...
How to Make Friends, Part 2
Also: How to make friends, part 1 How to make friends, part 3 How to maintain a friendship How to end a friendship You've wrestled with your fear of rejection, decided to be braver and less lonely, and are ready to make some new friends. Now do this. 1. Carry...
How to Make Friends, Part 1
Americans are bad at making friends. As children we make friends with the kids in our class or whoever lives near us. In college we're friends with any of the thousands of people on our campus. But as grown-ups outside of those friendship-petri-dishes, too many of us...
10-Year Anniversary of a 5-Year Marriage
Yesterday was the 10-year anniversary of the day we celebrated our wedding. My husband and I got married on one day and had the reception six months later. For some reason the 10-year anniversary of the wedding ceremony didn't hit me as hard last March, but today I...
The Depressive Episodes Shorten
My depressions usually last for months or weeks, and in the past it's been years. Earlier this year I had a depression that lasted for six weeks, but since then I've had two episodes that were much shorter: a week at the end of March, and one day this past weekend....
Stuff I’ve Noticed
Inspired by the final blog post of Obesio the Loser, a former online-friend, here's a list of stuff I've noticed over the decades. 1. Sometimes it gets better. Sometimes it doesn't. 2. No two people are exactly alike, but few people are genuinely special. 3. I still...
If Your Friend Is Depressed, Try This
This is what you can do when I'm so depressed that I sit there like a zombie and stare into space or can't stop crying. This might not apply to anyone else, but it's good for me. 1. Give me your full attention. 2. Say nothing. Just sit there in silence even if it's...
When It’s Not Really Respect
Please don’t culturally appropriate objects and think you’re doing it “respectfully.”
If They Died from Suicide
I've suffered from depression for most of my life and have had a couple of major episodes. There have been times when I decided dying would be better than living and while I'm not proud of that, I'm also not ashamed of it. My illness has caused lots of irrational...