It’s time to push against the direction business-as-usual is going in these days.
Search Results
Stop with the Joy
Joy doesn’t feel welcoming. Listening to our pain would be.
Cold Civil War
It’s a new Cold War, but this time it’s just us.
Mexicans Are the Biggest U.S. Latino Group and Yet…
…most famous U.S. Latinos aren’t Mexican
Protesting Proof-of-Vaccination Mandate in Chicago
Photos of the demonstration against the City of Chicago’s mandate that went into effect 3 Jan 2022.
Many True Blue Democrats Are Unvaccinated
Seeing us as idiots is easier than seeing us as complicated individuals with various challenges.
Response to the Derek Chauvin Verdict
It’s all right for white people to not make a statement to people of color about the Chauvin trial.
Socially Divided
Social media is not both good and bad. Its effects are quite destructive.
“Why Now, White People?” The Real Reasons Whites Are Active Against Racism NOW
The Code Switch episode Why Now, White People? came out on June 16th, but the question is still live: Why are so many white people currently involved in anti-racism protests and activities? It's a fair question because racism was an equally hot issue with equally...
U.S. Gets Worse (Over Many Decades) Before Getting Better
In his story Ninety Thousand Dead and Counting, Umair Haque points out that Americans don't seem to care how many Americans are dying of COVID-19. He writes that other countries tend to keep careful watch of how many deaths their governments cause, whether...
They Hate Us
My latest Medium published story is called The U.S. is 244 years of hatred. In it I write about how much many Americans hate people of color, which I'm reminded of as I imagine how many white supremacists must feel just fine about COVID-19 killing more Blacks and...
If You Could Stop Crimes Against Humanity, Would You?
My American friends, let's pretend you have the power to influence whether or not the United States continues to house elderly, sick, infant and child immigrants in very cold rooms, deny them proper nutrition, keep them from their families and cause them...
Naked Racism
A Mexican-American woman and a Black woman try to relax with a gym workout. Then this white woman…
Please, American White Women
The open letter technique is a clichéd way to address a challenging topic and when I see a writer begin with "Dear Democratic Party" or "Dear President Trump" I think, "If you really want to address those people, why post your letter here?" But I'm doing it because...
Stop Talking about INTENTION
When a white person apologizes for having been racially offensive, they often say it wasn't their intention to do that and they didn't intend it to come out that way and they had no intention of offending anyone and it wasn't their intention to upset people. Why do...