Chicana on the Edge

Mentioning the unmentionable since 2004

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They Hate Us

They Hate Us

My latest Medium published story is called The U.S. is 244 years of hatred. In it I write about how much many Americans hate people of color, which I'm reminded of as I imagine how many white supremacists must feel just fine about COVID-19 killing more Blacks and...

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Please, American White Women

Please, American White Women

The open letter technique is a clichéd way to address a challenging topic and when I see a writer begin with "Dear Democratic Party" or "Dear President Trump" I think, "If you really want to address those people, why post your letter here?" But I'm doing it because...

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Stop Talking about INTENTION

Stop Talking about INTENTION

When a white person apologizes for having been racially offensive, they often say it wasn't their intention to do that and they didn't intend it to come out that way and they had no intention of offending anyone and it wasn't their intention to upset people. Why do...

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