Acceptance comes after grieving.
Search Results
Thanksgiving 2023
At the age of 57, returning to my “home town” finally doesn’t feel like a bad movie.
Stop Nagging People to Cut Down on Sweets
If you can’t help with underlying problems, stop nagging people who are hooked on substances.
My Doctor Says I’m Prediabetic
I’m only able to work on my prediabetes because I finally cleared old pain.
I Hate Myself: Depression and Low Self-Esteem Aren’t Always Linked
You’d think getting rid of one would take care of the other, but no.
McCombs Candida Plan – So How Did It Go?
The McCombs Candida Plan takes care of an insidious health problem, but how does it feel?
My Wheat-Free Life, Part 1
I’ve stopped eating anything that contains or is coated with wheat flour because wheat gives me stomach aches and I don’t like pain.
Trying Dispenza Again
About seven years ago I discovered Joe Dispenza. His books teach how to use the power of the mind through meditation to change yourself. I loved his writing, his meditations and his way of approaching life. I used his meditation for years and blogged about my...
Bring the Sunshine, I Guess
Since "Juldemort" (July 2020 was so horrific for me that's how I refer to it) I've noticed startling changes in myself. One is that I no longer prefer gray skies to bright ones. As this 2015 post expresses, I used to dislike and avoid sunny days, staying inside so the...
So How Was Your Summer?
Summer 2020: my mind fell apart. The simplest way to explain it is that my psychiatrist, health care provider and I slowly and carefully weaned me off Effexor for a year, and my first day without it at all was July 4th. Within 24 hours I stopped being able to fall...
Let Me Articulate Your Anxieties
I'm doing pretty well as a Medium writer, getting attention and earning a bit of money. I'm happy with how it's going. But I can't help but suspect that I'm doing well because I started publishing there during the coronavirus. It's a good time to start publishing on...
Chicago Tribune Covers Mental Health Support During Pandemic
Alice Yin of The Chicago Tribune interviewed me for a story with a very long name: Mental health groups mobilize virtual community for those isolated by coronavirus outbreak. ‘This is a lifeline for people.’ Because my Depression: Friends Supporting Each Other Meetup...
Day 6 of Coronavirus Symptoms
I'm now a writer. Go there for posts I'm not putting here, such as Mood disorders can help us get through crises. And don't forget to clap! ( allows five free articles a month. Unlimited articles are $5 a month.) Previous post on the coronavirus:...
The Coronavirus: I Got It
Previous post on the coronavirus: Last dash to the store - a photo essay My NRT practitioner has a homeoprophylaxis (HP) for the novel coronavirus. If you've heard of homeopathy, you know those remedies help the body heal a disease or condition by introducing a...
I'm in my first real test since my three-day fast. Yesterday I felt depression symptoms coming on, possibly because of prolonged lack of sleep (I'm working with my health practitioner to fix this problem). In the afternoon I badly wanted a nap, but had to keep going....