Chicana on the Edge

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Your search results for Christmas

Christmas in Not-Mexico-But-Not-Really-the-US-Either

I just learned that the fence that separates Mexico from the U.S. doesn't actually run along the Mexico-U.S. border. According to a post on The Lookout, a news blog, the Rio Grande forms the natural boundary between the two countries, but because of a treaty with...

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My Perfect Christmas

Okay, it's not my perfect Christmas, since I won't spend it with my husband, but it's the next best thing.Bob's working Christmas Day because his restaurant is open every day of the year. I spent Easter and Thanksgiving volunteering with Little Brothers Friends of the...

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Happy December!

Happy December!

December is my favorite month. I've been telling people that and I'm stunned by their response. Each person has replied, "Why?" I don't understand this question. We are neck-deep in Christmas decorations, Christmas music, Christmas goodies, Christmas parties and...

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Taking Down the Christmas Tree

This morning I finally accepted that it's time to start taking down the decorations: the cards on the mantel, the lights in the window, the tree that still stood splendidly decorated in a corner of our living room. This afternoon I went downstairs and got the empty...

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Easter vs. Christmas

I'm wondering why Easter isn't as big an American holiday as Christmas. Here is my friend Robert's response:I think it boils down to this: Would you rather go to a friend's (or savior's) baby shower or execution? Christmas is easier to co-opt than Easter because it's...

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