Chicana on the Edge

Mentioning the unmentionable since 2004

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Losing the Cow

So now that I've achieved my goal weight (after 18 months of effort) and can actually present myself as a thin person, how do I maintain it? Well, the first major hurdle was cleared when I made it through my 20 year high school reunion weekend without putting any of...

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Now share my posts with others

There's a new feature on my blog: those little envelopes that appear at the bottom of each post, next to the "posted by Regina" line. They allow you to email a link of the post to someone else.

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H.S. Reunion: The Dance

Last Saturday w/ Arun, Kristy & Eric (photo by Judy) In honor of my 20 year high school reunion last Saturday in Walnut Creek, California, my mother pulled out my old Las Lomas yearbooks from 1980-1984. On Thursday and Friday, I thumbed through them, but could only...

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H.S. Reunion: Sophomore Year

Sophomore year: 1981 I was fifteen in the fall of 1981. During my sophomore year I began performing in the school musicals, settled into my lunchtime routine with Suzanne Besag, Laura Pratt, Kim Wightman, Dana Santos and Luceen Kayaian, and began getting attention...

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High School Reunion: Lunchtime

Whenever people try to reconstruct an event to find out what went wrong, they go back to the beginning. So it often is with a life. When it goes wrong or at least skews off in a very different direction, people go back to the beginning, the roots, how it all started....

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My 20-Year High School Reunion

I graduated in 1984 from Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek, California. My 20 year reunion is in two days. Yes, that explains part of the weightloss obsession. I figure if I'm going to walk in there without husband, children, house or even a divorce, then I'd...

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Somebody STOP me…

I did it! I did it! Today I finally hit my goal weight: 123 pounds (I'm only 5'2"). It's three pounds from my former 120 goal, but I'm stopping now. Why? Because I've noticed that I'm getting quite slender on top, including in the chest area. Whoops! Debra Messing...

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Oh, Boys! Dating Suggestions

The Chicago Reader has recently launched its online dating service, called the Chicago Reader Matches. It's free until August 25th, so women, go there now if you're interested (you'll understand why I leave men out of this invitation in a moment). I think their...

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I’ve plateau-ed again!

Things were going so well: I was losing weight (as described in my "Weightlost" post) and I was getting rid of the ten pounds my doctor suggested I lose after my last annual physical exam. But now I've stalled again with five pounds to go. Dammit. It's like Zeno's...

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Street Performing

Street performing, also called "busking," seems to be part of paying ones dues as a musician. My friend Lon asks about my summer plans to do some street performing and thus gauge interest in my original music. To answer his question, I have done some street performing...

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When It’s Time to Change, You’ve Got To Rearrange

Reasons I’m tired of being a personal/executive assistant: • Having to do things I have no creativity for like figuring out how to ship an Oriental rug to Mexico or getting a hold of a Southern Methodist University banner by tomorrow. • Doing things for boss' kids...

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For Sale: One Small Chicana

The last time I initiated a job search it was April 2002. From the dust of Arthur Andersen's collapse, I charged out into the world of online job-searching and multiple resumes. You couldn't convince ME the economy was in a slump -- oh no! To anyone who tried to...

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O the wacky Vatican

O the wacky Vatican. An AP article written last Saturday says of the latest Vatican-released document about women and the Christian family, "[It] said the 'temporal and earthly expression of sexuality is transient,' and cited Scripture suggesting that a married...

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Public Service

Last night on the el I saw a guy (18? younger?) who totally reminded me of my first boyfriend who was a computer geek who was very attractive when he took his glasses off. This guy last night also wore glasses and was quite tall but with slumped shoulders. He had...

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Sudan: U.S. Has No Credibility Left

I just read a letter to the Chicago Tribune Editor that says the United States Congress passed a "non-binding resolution" that calls for the Bush administration and the U.N. to take action against the genocide happening in Sudan and begin immediate measures to help...

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