Chicana on the Edge

Mentioning the unmentionable since 2004

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If I were a model..

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } © / Deborah Guzmán Meyer, originally uploaded by regrodriguez. Last January I was...

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My Spanish vs. his English

So last night I was trying to tell Francisco, the salad and dessert cook, that I needed to somehow pick up a brandy ice and a brownie (two melty ice cream dishes) without either one melting while the other was prepared. I started explaining this, when he said, "No...

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Benedict XVI

It took them ONE DAY to come up with Ratzinger?? I'm so disgusted. I am so disgusted. #$%-ing Catholic church. @#$-ing, son of a *$&%^, dum-b%*# Catholic Church.

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Getting Married, update 1

By the way, I am totally working Steve's plan for how to get yourself married. I remain as conflicted as ever about marriage itself, but I'm determined to try this strategy. Interestingly, every one of my friends with whom I shared the plan and almost every one of you...

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Please Weight

After wrestling my weight down to a healthier level, I have been very carefully maintaining the 15-pound weightloss I achieved last summer. As is typical I guess, I have held on to another 5-pound weightloss goal. This goal helps keep me from having as many seconds as...

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Tax Day Eve

Happy Tax Day Eve. I have now done my taxes. Time for a beer. I used Telefile, although the message said this is the last year Telefile will be available. Next year they want everyone to file online, or use the regular forms and the U.S. mail, which I guess will...

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Stuck on Pause

By the way, the reason there hasn't been a new gig posted on my music website is that I'm currently feeling stuck. I feel tired of the original songs I've been performing, I can't see the point of performing (especially for audiences that are mostly made up of my...

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I Haven’t Done My Taxes Yet

This is the latest I have ever procrastinated. I think it's because I had two jobs in 2004, plus I was on unemployment for two months. It just feels too complicated and it makes me hate myself for not having a steady, regular job with nice, neat paychecks and a...

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If I Had Self-Esteem

If I had self-esteem......I wouldn't waste one second on any man who didn't engage/intrigue/fascinate me from the start....I'd stop calling myself "desperate."...I'd stop looking for a man....I wouldn't care that I'm almost 39 and unmarried....I'd forget about...

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English Dominant

I have now worked as a server for four and a half months. Ironically, after a lifetime of avoiding Spanish, I find myself at a job that requires more Spanish than I ever would have agreed to. The Mexican immigrant kitchen staff expects fluent Spanish from me. As I...

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A friend suggested the following:You want to know how to find love? Don't look for it. Instead, do service work, using your talents and gifts to help others in ways that honor God. You'll soon find your mind focused on what you can do to help other people. Then some...

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In a college psychology course (twenty years ago), I read about behavioral experiments performed on birds. They were taught that hitting a button would dispense food. Once this behavior was in place and the expectation set, the food was with-held. The initial response...

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End of the World

I recently told a co-worker that when you start wishing the place you work would burn down, it's time to find a new job. And then there are those of us who fantasize about the entire human race and/or planet being destroyed. I don't know what productive task we're...

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Deliver Us From Right-to-Life Idiots

Okay, I know I need to actually create a legal document that would give details about what I'd want done in various circumstances, but let me at least pound out a draft here (the following written instructions are to be superceded by any instructions, written or...

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