Chicana on the Edge

Mentioning the unmentionable since 2004

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The Carson’s Phoenix

The good news: Carson's Ribs, where I have worked since last fall, is under new management and has some exciting changes in the works. The bad news: I don't know if I'll have a job there much longer. You know how I've complained that business is slow at Carson's Ribs...

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Sleep Less, Gain Weight

Hey, everybody, it looks like the more sleep deprived you are, the more likely you are to gain weight. Finally, a way to fight obesity that isn't about dieting and exercise -- make sure you get enough sleep! An article in the current issue of Nutrition Action...

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Slowly, Slowly

Slow Food is a movement to "protect the pleasures of the table from the homogenization of modern fast food and life." Thank god for Slow Food. The U.S. has almost completely lost the ability to relax and eat with, instead, everyone chomping our nutritionless non-foods...

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Take Your Meds

I'd just like to remind everyone who depends on a little daily chemical help that it is very important that you take your meds as prescribed. Forgetting, deciding you don't need them anymore, wanting to wean yourself off without your doctor's guidance, etc. are not...

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San Diego, California that is. This week my sister settles into her new home in Katy, Texas. A 15-year resident of (and now refugee from) the sadly corrupt city of San Diego, she now tells all her California friends to move to Katy (my sister and I were born in Los...

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Somehow I initially impressed him as someone he felt attracted to. Somehow he initially impressed me as someone I felt attracted to. The more he gets to know me, the more he wants to know me. The more I get to know him the more I want to know him. We have grown closer...

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.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } © / Deborah Guzmán Meyer, originally uploaded by regrodriguez. Today I am 39 years...

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Dove Ads Have Real Women

(Thanks to Mopie at Big Fat Deal for drawing my attention to the following and providing the links.) Have you seen the ads for New Dove Firming (a cellulite cream)? They feature real women with ordinary (i.e. not size 0), beautiful bodies? Apparently many vocal men...

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how not to eat all the cookie dough

Yesterday I made a PILE of cookies for work in honor of my and a co-worker's birthdays. This is how I kept myself from swallowing large quantities of the dough (I like the uncooked dough so much more than the baked cookies, but who doesn't). First, I ate a meal right...

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I don't believe the bombings in London mean that we in Chicago are in danger of any terrorist attacks. Nothing I've ever read or seen anywhere makes me think anything would ever happen in Chicago. I just can't see it ever happening. Am I in denial? Ill-informed?

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Clear lines of communication

I am afraid of everything. Every day. I worry that I’m not earning enough to live on. I worry that I’ll eat too much and gain weight. I worry that I will finally prove to myself that I am unworthy of love and incapable of happiness and kill myself. I worry that my...

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My life: 1. Guilt for ignoring my blog for so long. 2. Irritation and confusion regarding recent familial reaction to it. 3. Uncertain happiness with the guy I'm dating. Have stopped dating others. Might have boyfriend. Wish I weren't afraid of the word "boyfriend."...

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War of the Worlds: why my reaction?

Noticing how Spielberg’s War of the Worlds affected me (see yesterday's post) has led me to wonder why. Why did I see the alien invaders as the American military when no pretty much one else did? Hmmm...well...I tend not to put much effort into political action or...

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Before the movie started

“So, are you seeing this movie for the completely hopeless terror and the belief that we’re all doomed and there’s no escape?” I asked the young, beach-shorts-wearing man sitting next to me in the theater.“No.”“Oh. I am.”Then I gave my theory, “I think the reason...

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War of the Worlds movie review

(I'm sorry, I don't know why these links aren't working and it's too late for me to figure it out. I'll work on it tomorrow.)Okay, sure, I mostly agree with Dominic Corry’s (of ) review of War of the Worlds . He writes that the movie is, for Spielberg...

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