Chicana on the Edge

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Would You Trust This God? Part Two

Would You Trust This God? Part One Newsweek published an article on the spiritual responses of the communities hit by the Dec. 26th tsunami and I found it interesting to consider how these responses would feel to me ("Countless Souls Cry Out to God," Newsweek, January...

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Would You Trust This God?

Sometimes my online dating activity yields a new friend. I've been corresponding with Mark for a couple of months now. He's a minister and we've had some interesting phone conversations about faith: my lack of, and his enduring. Sometimes I feel like a lost soul that...

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Capricious Grace

So after the talk last night (part of the “Theology on Tap” series sponsored by the Chicago Archdiocese’s Young Adult Ministry), I waited to talk to the speaker, Fr. Bob Rohrich. Since I’d missed out on most of the lecture series, I wanted to know where I could go to...

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Catholic Atheism

Okay, I guess I can't just call myself a "Catholic atheist" in my last post and not explain it. I was raised Catholic. I actively and willingly attended church until I was 19. In my sophomore year of college I had a crisis of faith (I guess you'd call it) and decided...

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