I agreed to get a dog in 2011 because my husband wanted one very badly, but now we're splitting up. Ozzie did make my husband very happy, but he didn't make me nearly as happy and mainly just added to my workload. I was okay with that while I believed that Ozzie was...
Search Results
Some Thrive on the Unknown
I. The dirty stove (her job) competes with the uncleaned floors (his job) for most neglected surface, but the winner is her skin. Emotions balance and unbalance, shifting positions and changing sides Who's heavier? II. It turns out the buoyant boy can sink, while the...
Who Would Mourn the Human Race?
Original photo by Bob Martin, altered by me. I often consider the end of the human race (as I'm sure we all do). What would happen to the earth? What animals would care? Wouldn't all flora and fauna be immeasurably better off without us around to screw things up? But...
Someone Asked Me about Being Pregnant
Previous post on weight & health: Doctor's response to my weight gain On Friday morning a co-worker asked when I was due. Even with my prosopagnosia and a staff of over 500, I felt sure the two of us had never properly met because I pretty much have every...
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin USA, Winter 2013
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin USA. Photo by Bob Martin Lake Geneva, Wisconsin USA. Photo by Bob Martin. Okay, it's bad enough to drive your car onto a frozen lake, but to then build a FIRE? Ozzie loves snow. Taking pictures with an iPad looks dumb, but the photo quality is...
Fat Tuesday 2013
Happy Fat Tuesday! I made cupcakes for work. How about you? Let us all have a day of indulgence and then lounge around like my dog. Here he is doing some dog yoga: Enjoy the day! Worry tomorrow.
Good Weekend
Settling in for movie night I just had a great weekend. On Saturday morning the snow was coming down and I enjoyed being out under the cloudy skies. The EFT group was excellent as usual, and on the way to the meeting I visited Bulldog Bakery at Belmont and...
Hotel Metro, Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
Fancy hotel room with dog Beautiful bathroom with oversized tub and Ozzie's dog dishes in the back. Monday, January 21, besides being Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day, was one of the coldest days of the year. In Chicago temperatures stayed in the...
Any Humans Out There?
Dear Person Reading My Blog Right Now: If you wouldn't mind leaving me a comment, I'd hugely appreciate it. A lot of the hits that any blog gets are automated search engines and websites. So if I see that my blog got 30 visits, that really means that some fraction of...
Christmas Eve activity
Lifesource is open for business today, so I'm heading over. They sent me an email saying the holidays are a time when they NEED BLOOD DONATIONS and they hope I'll help. I'm hydrating right at this minute so I can be a good bleeder, if they accept me. I don't always...
Shouldn’t It Be 28 Bells?
I appreciated the moment of silence the country observed this morning as 26 chimes of a bell honored those who were killed last week on the school grounds of Sandy Hook Elementary School. I heard some used the number 27 to include Nancy Lanza, the mother of the...
The Glenwood Bar in Rogers Park and Dogs
Last Saturday at The Glenwood Bar, Santa took photos with dogs to benefit the local Paw-tawattomie Dog Park. I paid $10 for Ozzie’s picture and discovered that The Glenwood Bar allows dogs during the day, off leash and everything. After 8 p.m. it gets too crowded...
Shopping ON a major holiday?
Dear Americans, Please don’t shop on Thanksgiving Day. It only encourages big corporations to make their employees miserable on the one day every American should be able to relax. There's a nasty trend of stores beginning their Black Friday sales on the evening...
How Long Would Your Dog Let You Do This?
I understand that all dogs have different levels of tolerance for close human contact. Ozzie seems to have no limit. He lets me lie on top of him like this for quite a while. He lets me use him as a leg rest (when we lie on the futon sofa) for hours. I also understand...
Uncomfortable with the New Me
Previous post on my fatness. I'm fatter these days, but also happier. I've kicked my harsh inner critic out of the driver's seat and am treating myself gently and kindly. I'm not restricting food, I'm not eating for emotional reasons and I feel physically great: more...