Monstrual cramps

been battling monster menstrual cramps since Sunday night. Cramps that are so
bad they make me miss work was the reason I went on the pill in 2008 and I was
really hoping those days were over. But I went off the pill in July because I
wanted to get rid of symptoms I was having from it and now the pain is back.

I don’t
know why it took four cycles for the pain to come back as strong as it did on
Sunday night, but this time it cut me down. On a scale of one to ten, it went
back and forth in the 5 to 10 range. Yes, 10, which means it was the worst pain
I’d ever felt. Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin and my hot water bottle did
little to help. At times I rocked back and forth, moaning. At times I burst
into tears. I left my apartment and walked the neighborhood just to distract
myself from the pain and nausea. I tried to stay active, but the pain was never
far away. I tapped a LOT. I struggled like this for 48 hours, with only short
periods when the pain receded enough for me to get some sleep. This morning I
finally woke up without pain and was able to take my time getting up instead of
jumping out of bed to try to walk the cramps off. 
anyone tell me why menstrual cramps can get so bad in middle age? I’m 48 and didn’t have problems with my period until I hit my late 30s. Maybe I needed an Advil or two and that was
it. Is this another side effect of the extra hormones we Americans get
in our processed meats and dairy products? Is it because my uterus
never harbored a fetus? Is it stress related? Does the phase of the moon have
anything to do with it? What? What? 
This is
day four of my cycle and the dicyclomine my doctor prescribed is just barely
holding my monstrual cramps at bay. I
have renewed appreciation for birth control pills and want to get back on
them. Many people dislike being “hooked on drugs” as they often call
it. I don’t understand those people. When drugs prevent pain, I don’t care much about
long-term effects or problems the drugs might cause. If it stops the pain – whether
it’s physical or related to a mood disorder – give me the drugs. Just give me
the drugs. Give me the drugs!
[See this post for how I’ve reduced the cramps. I decided not to go back on the pill.]

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